Sandblast Finish Concrete

sandblast finish conrete

Sandblasted or Sandblast Finished Concrete is an abrasive blasting technique used to restore concrete to its original condition, using a heavy blast of silica to blast cement away to expose the aggregate beneath it for a rough surface finish.

The procedure is designed for use on under-exposed concrete or concrete that has developed cracks. It is also used to instantly remove grime, paint and sometimes for the removal of graffiti.

Sandblasting is much cheaper than ripping up the concrete, disposing of the debris and then adding a new layer of concrete. Abrasive materials like silica are projected at high velocity at the concrete to expose the aggregate beneath.  

Our skilled teams are best equipped to carry out this laborious and tedious process, that otherwise would prove very arduous unless professionally handled. Call Small Concrete Jobs for your Sandblast-finished Concrete requirements!